Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is Getting a Hair Transplant Overseas a Good Idea?

Hair transplants are becoming a much more commonplace procedure nowadays for bald or balding men. In the United States, the procedure can still be too costly for the average person, but now there are more options to consider overseas. In the paragraphs below, we will explain a bit about the procedure and if having it overseas is a good option.

To perform a hair transplant, surgeons need to take hair follicles from one site, the "donor site", and transplant them to the "recipient site", which in most cases is the scalp. It is a minimally invasive procedure with visible guarantees, making it still the best choice to treat male balding, but also for the restoration of eyelashes and eyebrows. The operation, whether in the United States or overseas, is usually performed in outpatient centers under localized anesthesia and sometimes mild sedation. The usual procedure begins with the surgeon harvesting a strip of hair, with nurses removing extra fatty tissue from around the follicles to make them viable for transplanting. The surgeon then does his or her best to leave as small a scar at the donor site as possible and moves on to transplant the hair to the recipient site. The surgeon lightly punctures the recipient site and inserts the hair follicles in the prearrange positions, making sure the angle is correct so that the transplant looks as natural as possible.

Since the post-operative care only requires the patient to change head bandages daily, it can be done anywhere. By falling out a week or so after the procedure, the transplanted hair will make way for the new hair to grow. The new, transplanted hair will then grow naturally. Before you decide for the procedure, also make sure you got some idea about the hair transplant cost.

The one issue that prevents people from getting hair transplants is the actual pricing. In the United States most health insurance companies will not cover the procedure, so most people would have to shoulder the whole cost themselves. More and more people have found the answer, however, by heading overseas to have their hair transplants. Choosing to have the procedure done overseas can save some people over half of what they would have spent in by having it done in the United States. In countries like Thailand, India, and Argentina, where the dollar goes a long way, these procedures can become completely accessible. For those people who would like to get a hair transplant abroad and can't afford the prices in the United States, traveling overseas is quickly becoming the best chance at having the procedure.

Do you want to know how much does it cost? Follow the link.

As with anything, of course, there are risks, whether having the hair transplant here or overseas, so if you are considering this option, make sure to do as much research as you possibly can to ascertain your experience will be the positive one you desire.

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  1. I think there is no need to go overseas for such a small treatment. Our India is well advanced with latest techniques in Hair loss treatments. We have best hair transplant doctors in India that we well qualified and experienced to do their task pretty well.

    1. Hair loss might also be as a result of loss of circulation and in this case a very easy way to regain a certain amount of circulation is to massage the scalp with the tips of the finger.

    2. Yes dear thanks for this so i also prefer FUT hair transplant

  2. Technique of Hair Transplant surgery involves procedure of extracting live hair grafts (hair follicles, skin and tissue) from where hair are in access (called donor sites) on the patient's head or from body source then planting them to the balding region(called recipient site)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Get the best treatment for hair fall in Indore at Dr Mohana
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  3. If you get the best result overseas then why not. After all hair fall has been quite common and to my mind people should opt for the best hair transplant doctor

  4. Hair transplant is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from a part of the body.

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  5. Really Good Information ! such a great information with us Hair Removal Solution in Malaysia Hair Transplant .

  6. Hair Transplantation is a good solution to remove baldness. Stress is the main reason of baldness. Remove your baldness with hair weaving.

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  7. hair loss or baldness issues face by people. now a days many solotion is availble:

  8. Thanks for posting such an informative blog about Hair plantation. It much increases my knowledge about this process.

  9. Rogaine (Monoxadil) and Proxiphen are the most effective for the eradication of hair fall malady.

  10. Yes I do agree that one can get affordable Hair Loss Treatment in India but I got one of my relatives hair transplant surgery in India from Dr. Maneesh Sonthalia and i must say i am more than happy for not only his efficiency but also cordial behavior. The technology he used is really very advanced and the hair he transplanted looks natural. I will recommend everybody his name for hair transplant in India.

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  30. I don't think going overseas for hair transplant is a good idea when you have world class hair restoration surgery available in your own country. There are two techniques which are very famous for hair transplantation one is DHI and the other one is FUE. In my opinion DHI is much batter then FUE although the cost is slightly higher then FUE but it has some advantages.

    for details you can visit the official site of DHI India

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  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. thanks for informative knowledge keep posting i really appreciate it

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  54. yes, I totally agree with Hair transplantation. One of my best friends was suffered from hair fall problem and They do Hair transplant and got the amazing results after the Hair Transplantation.

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  58. According to me we don't have much need to go overseas for the hair transplant.while cost is variable country to country, in foreign countries it is higher then that of India.
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  59. Today hair transplant surgery is no more expensive in India. Hair transplant surgery today well known treatment for hair loss problem.


  60. Because yes, hair, and skin has memory. But in this case the short term. "He that falls today received an order that must die three months ago," says the doctor.

  61. Always recommends Guinea, is healthier dry hair only 90%. The rest will do outdoors. Of course, until it is completely dry it is better not to get a pickup.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Thanks for providing such kind of useful information! There is no need to go Overseas for hair transplantation, In India we can find lot of doctors with good experience. While compare to other countries, cost also very less for best hair transplantation treatments in India. Thank you

  64. Yeah for those who are actually seeking for the hair plantation & looking for quick results; The
    Hair transplantation with the long term result oriented procedure for baldness or hair fall in male & female respectively. Great & Informative content !

  65. It totally depends on the surgeon’s expertise that how he transplant the hair with the help of latest instruments. hair transplant infographics

  66. Great Information This is really helpful.Dr.ch.krishna provide the best facilities are best treatment to the patient.Radiance hair clinic offers advanced hair transplantation, hair restoration surgery & hair loss treatments to restore thinning hair & baldness hair restoration

  67. 90% of cases the hair loss is due to genetic reasons. Having a parent with baldness (partial or total) increases the risk of their children also have some degree of baldness. "The gene accompanies the X chromosome and is preferably inherited from the mother
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  68. Nice question as people decide from where to get a hair transplant done. Hair transplant is a permanent procedure to treat your hair loss problems. Today due to advanced technologies hair transplant is growing better and better. Hair loss doctors do excellent job for the patient. Hair transplant in India has many success rates too. You can get hair transplant from best Hair transplant doctors in Chennai at affordable cost.

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  70. radiancehairtransplant.com is one of best hair transplantation clinics who have great experiences surgeons without compromising. Our hair transplant quality is still major concern for many hair loss patients.

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  77. Yes I do agree that one can get affordable Hair Loss Treatment in India but I got one of my relatives hair transplant surgery in Chandigarh and i must say i am more than happy for not only his efficiency but also cordial behavior. The technology he used is really very advanced and the hair he transplanted looks natural. I will recommend everybody this clinic for hair transplant in Chandigarh. Hair Transplant In Chandigarh

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. The ILHT Dubai's hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss problems. Since the implanted hairs are already defiant to the natural DHT hormone that causes severe hair loss, they will not fall out or thin in the future.

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  81. Always brush your hair before taking the bath because it enhances the blood circulation in the scalp and the hair strands a lot. But, if you are not doing this then your hair will damage and start falling off with the passage of time.

  82. Great post..!!

    I am also looking for hair transplant in Delhi. And I consult with Dr.Ajay hair transplant in Delhi he suggest me FUE Hair Transplant is there anybody tell me more about FUE Hair Transplant?

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  85. This is brilliant! Thank you for sharing!I really need it to stop my hair fall. Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

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  87. Thanks for sharing the information. Great insights and it will help for people who are looking for hair transplant surgery in hyderabad because its important to know the cost of hair transplant for every individual before selecting any procedure.

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  89. Yes, it's a great idea to get hair transplant overseas. Nowadays many people are traveling abroad for hair loss treatment as the cost of hair transplant is less and the surgeons are also experienced and qualified who provide quality treatment and you will get the best hair transplant results.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Yes, hair transplant is very good idea. If you find the best Hair Transplant in Punjab surgeon then you can consult Dr vikas gupta. He is the best surgeon all over the punjab. For more details visit our website.

  93. Awesome Post and nicely explained covering every details on Hair Transplant Surgery. Thanks for post.

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  95. Yes, its a great idea to getting hair transplant overseas, as the medical tourism has widely increase over the years many patients are going abroad for the treatment. Also the cost of hair transplant is considerably lower and you will get the quality treatment with the best hair transplant result.

  96. At last I took the lot into my hands and undergone Treatments for hair loss in Hyderabad.Now I feel blessed because I have made this choice which changed my appearance completely and helped me to continue my life normally.

  97. Patients can also get wonderful results of hair transplant surgery in India. The cots of hair transplantation overseas is much higher then India.
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  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  110. Great blog..!!! It is right that FUE hair transplant is a very effective and permanent hair restoration technique used nowadays to get rid of the baldness and its result into more natural looking hair.

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  111. Very nice information dear. Are you looking for the best and low cost FUE hair transplant center in Punjab then you can directly visit our clinic. We give the best treatment as compared to others clinics. For more details visit our website.

  112. Just click on the given link and read more details about the hair transplant and its full cost. if you're interested then read the full post now.

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  115. Pune,one of the modern cities of India is fully equipped with latest health facilities. Hair transplant Pune is now on rise. Natural Hair Transplant Clinic is the best hair transplant surgery provider in Pune. NHT have most qualified & reputed hair transplant doctors in its panel. You can consult with NHT advisors to get cost effective hair transplantation at your native place.

  116. Hair Transplant gives you back not just your lost hair but your lost confidence! Hair transplant methods such as mini grafting, strip grafting, slip grafting etc are formulated to get the hair follicles to the area of the scalp that has become bald. This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles are taken from the back of the head; this area is genetically resistant to baldness. You will surely see your confidence boosting to new horizons once you have the hair that you always dreamed about. This treatment gives natural looking permanent results which not only improves your overall personality but also enables natural hair growth

  117. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful information. According to my opinion, getting hair transplant is a good option. But is should be done by an expert and experienced surgeon. Dr. Deepak Kalia is one the best hair transplant surgeon in chandigarh with having more than ten years of experience.

  118. Getting a hair transplant from overseas seems a great deal for people who wish to get a cost-effective hair restoration treatment.

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  120. Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by millions of people all over the world.
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  121. Those who are finding hair loss treatment/ hair transplant, Natural Hair Transplant is here to provide you the best FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), FUHT (Follicular Unit Hair Transplant also known as Strip Method).Our surgeons use non surgical methods and give best Fue Hair Transplant Cost in India.Hair Loss Treatment i.e hair implant, replacement,restoration,weaving by leading doctors and Surgeons.

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  122. If you take the surgery of hair transplant with latest techniques then it would be very easy for you to recover. Visit Hair Transplant in Chandigarh for know techniques.

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  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. There are many techniques available now a days for hair restoration. DHT technique is one of them for effective hair transplantation. Hair transplant in Indore

  126. Hair transplantation is a growing trend to prevent hair loss problems and other hair problems. it doesn't matter to choose place for hair transplant you just have to reach the expert to do the right treatment without any side effect. Thank Your!

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  140. "If you get the best result overseas then why not. After all hair fall has been quite common and to my mind people should opt for the best hair transplant doctor"!!
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  141. To know the full procedure of the FUE hair transplant you all need to follow this link and watch our full video. We explained all the information in this video.

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  144. "Technique of Hair Transplant surgery involves procedure of extracting live hair grafts (hair follicles, skin and tissue) from where hair are in access (called donor sites) on the patient's head or from body source then planting them to the balding region(called recipient site)"!!!
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  146. Nice Blog, Thank you for sharing this information. The health of your hair and scalp can speak volumes about your internal balance. Factors like genetics, excessive use of chemicals, illness, weather changes and poor circulation are the major causes behind issues like hair fall, dandruff and damaged hair.
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  162. Great information. This is really helpful for the people who are suffering from hair loss and thinking of hair transplantation. The food we eat that contributes to a significant change in Hair growth.
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  164. Thanks for posting such an informative blog about Hair transplantation. Really Good Information, Hair transplant is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from a part of the body. Hair transplant is a easy and safe process to restore your beautiful hair.

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. My friend suffered from baldness or hair loss then he investigate and contact many reputed hair treatment center and take their recommended medicine, but I did not satisfy, after some time my friend suggest me DermaClinix. DermaClinix is the known for the best hair transplant in delhi .I love to share with you that DermaClinix is known for best hair transplant in delhi and i gone through the hair transplant procedures, doctors have very good experienced and clinic is also well equipped - green OT, Lounge are etc. they change friend life.. Thanx to Dr. Kavish Chouhan.

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  170. Nice blog!Thanks for Sharing information about Hair Transplant.Hair transplant is a permanent hair loss solution in cases of established baldness. The right choice may be either FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) which will be suggested by the surgeon. Undetectable and natural looking hairline can be achieved through the hair Transplantation.
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